Dienstag, 31. August 2010

Malaysia Cameron Highlands

From culture and lifestile we decided to go to Cameron Highlands. This is located in the centre of the peninsular. 4 hours of drive later, we arrived in chilly Cameron Highlands. A region which mostly cultivates tea and farms fruits and most importantly gives home to the biggest flower in the world. The Raflesia. No this picture is not the raflesia, it s just a demonstration of the vast diversity of fauna of this region!

Day 2 we did a tour with the coolest of all guides in the world. He appeared like a Daniel Boom, but from the jungle. He was wearing boots, had a moustage, long hair, a jungle knife and a leather cowboy hat. This jeep had a horn in the front.
When we were driving up the jungle to get closer to the biggest flower in the world, the Raflesia, we had to drive up quite some muddy roads and the car would even slip at times and roll back. An hour later we started walking through the biggest jungle with a native (Orang Asli), leading us the way. 45 minutes later, there it was. The flower that only blooms ever 2 years and 8 months for around 2 weeks only.

The journey continued to a native village where we could try for ourselved blowhunting ( that is a pipe with a poisenous dart that the orang aslis use to go hunting).

From there to the tea plantage. Imagine mountains that are fully covered by bushes. Light green bushes!!! Beautiful.

The last stop was a rain forest that is over 1,5 million years all and is just called the mossy forest, since everything is covered in moss.

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