Donnerstag, 16. September 2010

Malaysia Kuala Lumpur

The final countdown has begun. Only 4 more days to go before leaving South East Asia.
As expected, we indulge in delicious and cheap food, visiting the city with its international flair and simply enjoy the warmth and screaming vendors on the street in Chinatown and little India.

On our first official stroll through the city we passed one of the biggest mosques in South East Asia (tough Lonely Planet said the same about the National Mosque in Jakarta). But here, when wanting to enter, they handed us a purple robe to cover all our body parts and additionally one could take away leaflets answering questions about Islam. Tough they were a little suspiciously written since they d rather focus on fighting the prejudices than to state what the religion is all about for them.

From here we continued to the Islamic Arts Museum showing the development and relics from Islam from all over the world. As you might imagine, it was quite colorful and divers.

After the Museum, we didn't quite know where to go, so Jan lead us to the bird park just around the corner. This park looked very much like a zoo since some of the birds were in cages and others could run around freely. Like for example this big fat blue bird would just walk amongst visitors, wait until someone drop food. Its color was remarkable. See for yourself.

One quite interesting species we encountered had the size of a ostrich but its head was blue and on top of its head was a triangle (reminded me of a dinosaur) but its body was completely fluffy. In their describition it said that they are rather shy but when Jan was feeding it with salad, the bird wanted to pick the food from his hands and accidentially or not picked instead his finger.

Well, and since we were already in a very touristy feeling we topped the visit with some birds sitting on our shoulders.

After the bird park we went to the Central Market. One would expect that the main attraction would be nice souvenirs, but our attention was mainly focused on the fish massage. More than 100 fish were in a little pool, and when you put your feet into the water, they would suck on our skin and clean it all up. It was soooooo strange. First when you put your feet into the water it would feel very ticklish and then with time and less focus on the tingle, it really feels like a massage!

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